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Gordon & Rees Partner Brandon Saxon Featured in Article on Mitigating Employment Liability Risks

Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani Southern California Partner Brandon Saxon was interviewed in-depth for an article entitled "Mitigating Employment Practices Liability Risks," published by the Journal of Accountancy in conjunction with CNA Insurance.

The article explores lawsuits against CPA firms by their personnel. Mr. Saxon shares his perspective on what firms can proactively do to manage employment practices risks.

“The proper documentation of performance, employee interactions, and any potential instances of conflict, including the resolution of such, can be used by your attorney as proof that the firm took necessary steps leading up to the employment action,” said Mr. Saxon on the foundation of a good defense of an employment practices claim.

Mr. Saxon is Assistant Managing Partner of the firm's San Diego office and Chair of the office’s Employment Group. He is also the Assistant Chair of the firm’s National Employment Group. His practice focuses on a wide range of matters focusing on advice and counsel as well as the defense of companies and employers in employment and commercial-related actions. He has litigated a number of matters to successful resolution in both state and federal courts and has experience in a variety of heavily regulated practice areas.

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