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Gordon & Rees Partners to Present at 2020 CLM Annual Conference

Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani Construction Litigation Partner Brenda Radmacher and Employment Partner Claudia Costa will be panelists at the 2020 CLM Annual Conference March 18-20 in Dallas, Texas. Approximately 1,500 professionals in the claims resolution and litigation management industries will attend the 2020 conference.

On March 19, Radmacher will participate in a five-person panel titled "Dipping into the Secret Sauce — Preparing for and Responding to Challenges in Mediation." As part of a qualitative study of the mediation dynamic in litigated disputes, attorneys, mediators, and insurance claims professionals were asked to identify and explain the “challenges” they face in the mediation process. During this interactive session, the panel will discuss the answers that were uncovered, the varied perceptions of mediation's fundamental elements, and will bring their expertise in effective mediation to the discussion.

On March 20, Costa will participate in a five-person panel titled "Pay Parity and the Revival of the EEOC Pay Data Survey — Mystery, Mistakes, and Money." The panel will discuss the federal and state law trends related to pay parity in the United States among women and women of color. In addition, they will breakdown the impact of the new pay data collection, expose some of the statistical conundrums that will complicate interpretation of the data and look into the future of pay parity and what’s on the horizon at both the state and federal levels.

To learn more about the 2020 CLM Annual Conference, please click here.