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Insurance Partners Asim Desai and Kelly Lippincott Featured Speakers at PLRB Claims Conference

Gordon & Rees insurance litigation partners, Asim Desai and Kelly Lippincott, will be featured speakers at the 2020 PLRB Claims Conference & Insurance Services Expo March 8-11 in Washington, D.C.

Desai will deliver a presentation "Bad Faith Damages in Third-Party Claims," along with co-presenter, Kevin Willging, Executive Counsel for the Travelers Companies. Desai and Willging will engage their audience in a discussion on warning signs of bad-faith exposure in third-party contexts, emerging bad-faith issues and trends in the third-party claims, and warning signs of bad faith "set-ups" by third-party claimants and developing responsive action plans.

Lippincott will present "Enforcing Policy Conditions," along with co-presenter Tania Surma, Senior Quality Improvement Specialist at Liberty Mutual Insurance. They will describe common policy obligations owed by the insured and assess how to enforce policy conditions. They will discuss how to determine when an insurer can rely on a breach of a policy condition to deny and identify methods to preserve the insurer's ability to deny coverage if the insured breaches a policy condition.

Desai is a partner in the firm's Los Angeles office. He has extensive experience in high-stakes, complex litigation including insurance bad faith, corporate fraud, commercial litigation, intellectual property, product liability, professional liability and catastrophic personal injuries.

Lippincott is a partner in the Alexandria office and focuses her practice on insurance coverage, product liability, and professional liability. Her clients include insurers, manufacturers, distributors, lawyers, title agents, real estate agents, and insurance agents who rely on her to defend civil lawsuits and develop ways to avoid litigation.

To learn more about the PLRB Claims Conferences and Insurance Services Conference, please click here.