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Gordon & Rees Partner Laura De Santos to Speak at ABA Virtual Professional Success Summit 2021

Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani Houston Partner, Laura De Santos, will be speaking at the American Bar Association (“ABA”) Litigation Section’s Virtual Professional Success Summit 2021. She will be addressing elimination of bias in a presentation entitled, “Making the Business Case for Diversity During a Global Pandemic” on March 30, 2021.

The Professional Success Summit is the ABA Section of Litigation’s biennial conference dedicated to maximizing the potential of litigators from racial and ethnic backgrounds that have been traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession. This event provides unique opportunities for lawyers of color to see, hear, and meet attorneys, distinguished judges, and leading in-house and outside counsel. Attendees will have access to CLE and business development programs and a variety of interactive networking opportunities.

De Santos is a partner in the Houston and Austin offices of Gordon & Rees. She has extensive experience representing corporate clients in state and federal courts in Texas and throughout the United States. In addition to her trial experience, she defends her employers in arbitration and administrative proceedings, as well as all forms of alternative dispute resolution, including mediations.

She represents employers on matters involving discrimination, wrongful termination, harassment, and retaliation brought under state and federal statutes, including for example Title VII, FMLA, ADA, FLSA, ADEA, USERRA, and the state Workers Compensation Act. She provides employee and management training on a variety of issues, including equal employment and anti-harassment policies, hiring policies and practices, and implementing and applying progressive discipline policies

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