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New Jersey Gordon & Rees Team Secures Preliminary Injunction for National Franchise Client

Ronald A. Giller and Daniel J. DiMuro, Partners of the New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania offices, recently secured the entry of a preliminary injunction on behalf of their client, one of the largest home inspection franchises in North America. After engaging in extensive and contentious expedited discovery and fully briefing the motion for preliminary injunction, the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey entered the preliminary injunction order providing the client with extensive injunctive relief including enforcing the covenant not to compete for a period of 18 months and enjoining not only the individual former franchisee, but also his wife, a non-signatory to the franchise agreement, along with his two former employees, who started a competing home inspection business in violation of the covenant not to compete. The court also extended the scope of the non-compete to a 25-mile radius of the franchisee’s formerly approved territory. The firm's client is extremely pleased with the performance of Mr. Giller and Mr. DiMuro in securing the injunctive relief.

Mr. Giller and Mr. DiMuro are partners in the firm’s Commercial Litigation and Franchise Law Groups.