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Partner Claudia A. Costa to Serve on Faculty for CLM Alliance 2023 Claims College

Partner Claudia A. Costa has been invited to serve on the faculty for the Claims and Litigation Management ("CLM") Alliance's 2023 Claims College School of Professional Lines in Baltimore, Maryland on August 17-18, 2023.

Ms. Costa will instruct two courses, "Selecting and Working with Expert Witnesses" and "Employment Practices and Fiduciary Liability." Attendees of her classes and other CLM programs can earn CE/CLE credits in addition to credit toward professional licenses in claims, litigation management, and risk.

Ms. Costa has over 33 years of experience defending claims against businesses, directors and officers, and professionals, including private and charter schools in school leaders' liability matters, as well as both publicly and privately held corporations in many aspects of their business litigation. She speaks frequently at conferences on the defense of employment claims and professional liability. Ms. Costa also provides training to businesses in both English and Spanish for Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance.

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