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San Diego Partner Jason F. Meyer Obtains Victory in Premises Liability Case on Behalf of General Contractor

Partner Jason F. Meyer obtained a complete defense verdict in a San Diego jury trial of a premises liability case on behalf of the general contractor of a Veterans Affairs ("VA") hospital.

In this case, the 34-year-old plaintiff claimed that she badly injured her knee when she slipped on a floor that had recently been installed at the VA hospital. Her injuries required multiple full knee replacements, and she has remained on crutches for six years. She claimed the general contractor was responsible for leaving some sort of slippery substance on the floor when repairing scuffs and scratches during a construction project for the VA hospital in San Diego. The plaintiff was a doctor and asked the jury for $9.3 million in damages given the significant future medical treatment she would require and the future loss of earnings.

Mr. Meyer was contacted on a Friday afternoon to join the case as lead trial counsel on behalf of the general contractor defendant after the jury had already been selected. Opening statements were to begin the following Monday. The trial lasted two weeks, and after deliberating for less than 90 minutes, the jury returned a unanimous defense verdict.

The team would like to recognize the invaluable assistance of paralegal Tanya Villegas, who was at the trial each day, legal secretary Nichole Durand, and Partner Todd Konold.