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Senior Counsel Ryan Farner to Present on Jury Focus Groups and Mock Trials at ICLEF Conference

Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani Senior Counsel Ryan Farner will deliver a presentation entitled "Conducting Jury Focus Groups and Mock Trials" at Mastering Litigation in the Modern Age, an online and in-person seminar hosted by the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum ("ICLEF") in Indianapolis, Indiana, on December 19, 2023, at 11:30 a.m. Eastern.

Farner will present the benefits of utilizing mock trials and focus groups during litigation and in advance of mediation. The topics will include the different types of mock trials and focus groups available, the pros and cons of each type, when to use a mock trial or focus group in a case, how to maximize the information gathered during mock trials and focus groups, and common mistakes related to using mock trial and focus groups in cases.

Farner has experience in all levels of civil litigation from inception through appeal. He has handled a wide variety of cases from basic declaratory judgment issues relating to coverage to catastrophic injury cases or complex appellate matters. He regularly consults on cases with exposure in the millions to tens of millions of dollars throughout the United States in both state and federal courts.

The Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum is an approved sponsor of the Office of Admissions & Continuing Education for MCLE programming in Indiana, offering live in-person CLE seminars, live webcast CLE seminars, and on-demand CLE seminars.

To learn more or to register, please click here. CLE credit is offered.