Jeff Lilly is a general litigator in the Austin office with more than 25 years of experience in state and federal courts in Texas and throughout the United States, including in national MDLs. Jeff’s practice includes representing Fortune 500 clients in mass tort litigation settings to smaller corporate clients and individuals in a wide range of civil litigation matters, including product liability, professional liability, premises liability, construction defect and general commercial litigation.
- Core team member of national team defending pharmaceutical companies in proton pump inhibitor litigation
- Successfully mediated negligence case involving allegations against day care center
- Successfully mediated director & officer liability case involving allegations of negligent misrepresentations and statutory fraud related to a stock purchase agreement
- Successfully mediated construction case involving allegations of defects in the construction of a manufactured home
- Successfully mediated case involving allegations of data theft and computer fraud
- Successfully resolved securities case regarding allegations of fraud
- Successfully mediated Director & Officer case regarding allegations of breach of fiduciary duty
- Successfully resolved construction case regarding allegations of negligence in home inspection
- Successfully resolved breach of contract case regarding agreement between media company and college athletic association
- Advised Japanese pharmaceutical company on e-discovery pre-litigation matters
- Successfully resolved complex Lanham Act claim resulting in early dismissal with no economic damages paid
- Prevailed on a Rule 91a motion to dismiss in Texas state court on behalf of court appointed psychologist on the basis of derived judicial immunity
- Lead counsel in pharmaceutical action brought in Blackfeet Tribal Court in Browning, Montana
- Trial team member in pharmaceutical case in West Virginia where jury awarded only $155,000 in compensatory damages and there was a defense verdict on three of four claims
- Trial team member in pharmaceutical case in Chicago, Illinois where a full defense verdict was obtained
- Member of national affirmative discovery team on 10,000 plus plaintiff mass tort litigation
- Extensive experience preparing and defending senior executives for deposition and trial testimony
- Electronically Stored Information (ESI/eDiscovery); Section 5, Chapter 6; Defense Counsel Training Manual, Third Edition, International Association of Defense Counsel, (2016)
- Philosophies of Data Preservation, Lighthouse Illuminations Summit, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (May 2018)
- Be Prepared: Best Practices, Tips and Strategies for Trial Preparation, Annual Drug & Device Defense Forum, Philadelphia (December 13, 2016)
- Taming the Beast: 10 Practical Tips for Controlling Costs and Reducing Risk in Discovery, IADC Webinar (December 7, 2016)
- Preservation and Avoiding Practice Pitfalls Under the New Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Gordon & Rees National Professional Liability Webinar Series (July 27, 2016)
- What Practitioners Need to Know About the New Scope of Discovery and How to Avoid Spoliation Sanctions, IADC 2016 Midyear Meeting (February 23, 2016)
- Trying the Products Liability Case: Tips and Strategies from Pros, IADC Webinar (January 13, 2016)
- The Importance of E-Discovery to a Litigator: An Overview of E-Discovery and Issues to Consider in Your Practice, Central Texas Chapter of Women in E-Discovery in Austin (January 12, 2016)
- Texas
- Arkansas
- U.S. District Court, Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern Districts of Texas
- Austin Bar Association
Community Involvement
- American Red Cross of Central and South Texas, Chair Elect of Board
- Austin Bar Foundation, Board member
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters, former Big Brother
- Front Steps Homeless Organization, former President, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee member
- Valburn Home Owners Association, former Board of Directors
- Garden Terrace, former Board of Directors
- Volunteer Mediator for Dispute Resolution Center of Harris County
- West University Parks & Recreation Department, former member of Board of Directors
- J.D., University of Miami School of Law
- B.A., The University of Texas at Austin
- Plan II Honors Program
- Who’s Who Legal International: Product Liability Defense Lawyers (2011-2020)