Sat Sang Khalsa focuses on complex employment disputes in the context of California Wage and Hour Class Action defense in both California and the U.S. District Courts. The California Labor Code provides the most rigorous employee-friendly protections in the Nation, and the risk and cost of non-compliance to employers of all sizes can be catastrophic. However, there are tools available to employers – including early consultation with counsel, arbitration agreements, and policy and practice reviews. Sat Sang specializes in identifying drivers of risk and developing strategies and leverage points that enable clients to litigate and negotiate an optimal outcome.  The work of identifying risk is best done before a case is ever filed, and Sat Sang appreciates the opportunity to provide advice and counsel to clients who want to comply and need the expertise and options to choose the course that works for their business. Once a case is filed – it is critical to develop an early strategy and identify inflection points that can shape the direction of the case. Ninety plus percent of all California Wage and Hour Class Actions are resolved through negotiation, and Sat Sang specializes in working with the client team to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a case at an early stage to build a successful resolution strategy that works for the client.

In addition to his wage and hour expertise, Sat Sang has handled single plaintiff employment claims from inception through trial, including matters involving employment and discrimination claims. He also provides advice and counseling to numerous clients on the subject of employee handbooks, discrimination, wage and hour violations and wrongful termination issues.  

Sat Sang’s clients include employers in a broad swath of industry including security, higher education, retail, transportation, construction, retail, agriculture, manufacturing and hospitality. These include large sophisticated employers as well as small family-run businesses.

Sat Sang views the practice of law as an opportunity to bring authenticity, heart, and intellect to complex problem solving and relationship building in an arena that emphasizes aggression and zero-sum solutions. Sat Sang lives with his wife and child in New England, and prior to the pandemic, used to enjoy traveling throughout California and the Southwest looking for mountain bike trails. He also enjoys photography, binge-watching TV, and walking the dogs.

  • Latest Developments in Class Action Litigation, GRSM Legal Education Conference, San Francisco, CA (September 2023)
  • California Court of Appeal Affirms “Manageability” Requirement for PAGA Actions, GRSM Employment Law Update (September 2021)

  • The Latest Threats and Defenses, GRSM Legal Education Conference, San Francisco (October 2019)


  • California
  • New Mexico (Inactive)
  • U.S. District Courts, Southern and Central District of California


  • State Bar of California
  • State Bar of New Mexico


  • J.D., New College of California School of Law
  • B.A., Economics and Political Science, Columbia University


  • San Francisco Public Defender’s Office