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D&O and Shareholder Litigation

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D&O and Shareholder Litigation

Trusted and Experienced

Challenging market conditions throughout the economy and well publicized corporate and financial scandals are spurring private plaintiffs and shareholders to intensify their litigation efforts. GRSM has the resources to defend corporations and their officers and directors by providing clients with experienced and creative representation in all aspects of litigation, including derivative, class, and individual suits.  

We regularly defend derivative suits and state attorneys' general actions, and conduct internal investigations. GRSM's lawyers bring in-depth understanding of corporate law and the dynamics of officer, director, and shareholder litigation.  Our team handles these types of matters as they arise in the context of disputes relating to mergers and acquisitions, corporate ownership or transfer, executive compensation, IPO or private offerings, antitrust, business interference, trade practices, bankruptcy, whistleblower actions, corporate espionage, internal fraud, and regulatory investigations.

Our clients include non-profit organizations, private companies and public companies in a broad range of industries, including technology, healthcare, financial services, retail, accounting, non-profits, and manufacturing. We represent individuals, corporations, majority shareholders, management teams, boards of directors, and special committees.

Trial Ready Lawyers

GRSM’s D&O practitioners are trial lawyers with actual and frequent jury trial experience that few firms offer. Our litigators are regularly in court and have a track record of unprecedented skill, experience, and endurance for handling trials, regardless of complexity or length. The firm aggressively defends its clients and, where appropriate, seeks early resolution through motion practice. GRSM's trial lawyers are also experienced in defending actions post-trial and through appeal. Using our experience, logical analysis, and creativity, our attorneys assess, determine, and pursue the best strategy for our clients. We understand that personal careers, corporate reputations, customer relationships, and bottom-line profits are at risk and have to be protected in each and every litigation.

Class Action Expertise

D&O litigation frequently involves class action allegations and/or alleged violations of federal and state unfair trade practices laws. GRSM has substantial expertise in handling such matters and is adept at defending cases that range from complex, multi-state actions to close corporation internal disputes. The firm is a trusted advisor to corporate management teams and boards of directors who seek to guard against corporate impropriety and assure compliance with state and federal laws. Our attorneys help management teams ensure that they govern in accordance with the highest standards of corporate responsibility.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Clients choose GRSM because our litigation practice is led by lawyers who actually try cases on a frequent basis. While we do not believe every case should go to trial, we do believe every case gains a competitive advantage from a trial-ready approach. Our record proves that leveraging the unique perspective of a trial lawyer is also the most powerful positioning tool for achieving the best possible solution in arbitration, mediation, negotiation, or other Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) forum. Our attorneys are as skilled in effective and aggressive advocacy as they are in litigation, and strive to execute the best litigation strategy for each individual client, whether through trial or alternative dispute resolution. We have the comprehensive experience and knowledge required to successfully present the most complicated cases to judges, juries, mediators and arbitration panels.

Unique Qualifications

We utilize the valuable backgrounds of lawyers who have served in various related regulatory agencies, including a former staff attorney in the Major Crimes Section of the United States Attorney's Office in Los Angeles, an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Washington, an Enforcement Attorney with the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, Securities Division, and a Deputy District Attorney from the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office. 

Team Approach to Complex Cases

A team approach is essential to successfully represent clients in complex D&O and related legal matters. Cases often become very involved, very fast. There is often an immediate need to quickly review and get a handle on thousands of documents. The assurance the client receives from an experienced lawyer with deep resources under these circumstances is crucial.  


D&O and Shareholder Litigation Fast Facts

  • 39 Attorneys
  • Experienced lawyers with unique backgrounds serving in various regulatory agencies prior to joining GRSM
  • Includes a partner who has earned a Certificate of Director Education and Governance Fellow status from the National Association of Corporate Directors